Business Thieves is a suspense thriller. A Police team receives a challenging case in which they have to search for an unknown culprit. Their search and findings are the content of Business Thieves.

Chapter XIV: The Culprit
Date: 11th June 2012
Place: The Remote Control room, Nungambakkam

It was early morning, everybody came back after the massacre happened the prior night.

But, this time they had many pieces of evidence.

Kannan said, “Guys, it was a great work, but we had got our Inspector Ramesh attacked in a bad manner”

Kannan added, “Inspector Muthu and his men are at the hospital”

Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, it seems Ramesh has noted the vehicle registration number”

Solomon said,” The car got left isolated near foreshore estate beach”

Kannan asked, “Is it so?”

Solomon said, “Yes, the culprit has escaped from there by some other vehicle”

Raja said, “Sir, the latest fact is that the car belongs to Mr.Farooq from Adyar”

Kannan said, “Any other details?”

Raja said,”Farooq is a business man”

Kannan asked, “What business he is doing?”

Raja said, “He is a supplier to supermarkets”

Kannan said, “Supplier to the supermarkets?”

Pugazhendhi said,”Oh, my god, the case is clear sir”
Kannan asked, “How?”

Pugazhendhi said, “If he spoils the supply of the hotel items, they need to buy fresh items”

Kannan said, “Yes so that he can move his food items stocked in his stockyard”

Solomon said,”Oh, my god, he is a kind of Business Thief”

Kannan said, “Yes man, he sells the product to a person, then he damages the products”

Pugazhendhi said, “So, they will again do fresh purchase”

Solomon said, “First, we suspected that it should have been a job of an equal competitor”

Pugazhendhi said, “Since he is not a direct seller to hotels, no hotel owner is a direct contact with him”

Solomon said, “So there is no personal enmity in this case”

Raja said, “He has got escaped from his house in Adyar”

Kannan said, “His family and others?”

Raja said, “He is from Tiruvannamalai sir”

Kannan said,”Oh I see”

Raja said, “Our people are trying to reach to his Tiruvannamalai house”

Pugazhendhi said, “Sir, we can seal the stockyards of his Chennai network”

Kannan said, “Yes, that would be good option”

Solomon said, “No sir if there are some partners, we will get trouble”

Kannan said, “We don’t know right, whether some partners may have involved”

Raja said, “Yes sir, he is sure to have partners in this case”

Kannan said,”Ok, each of you takes one responsibility today”

Kannan added,”Pugazhendhi you make inquiries at his local house”

Kannan said,”Solomon, you make inquiries at his stockyard networks”

Kannan said, “Raja you follow up to trace his present whereabouts”
Everybody said, “Yes sir”

Kannan said,”Ok, refresh yourselves and get moving, report here in the evening, bye”

Everybody said, “Bye”
The group left the place.


Chapter XV: A Regular Phone call
Date: 11th  June 2012
Place: Saidapet

Pugazhendhi went to his apartment and took a bath and refreshed himself for the day.

At that time, He got a call from Prabhu.

Pugazhendhi answered the call,”Hello Prabhu”

Prabhu said,”Yes Pugazh, I heard the news that it was Mr.Farooq”

Pugazhendhi said,”Yes it was Farooq, who has done it for business purpose”

Prabhu said, “Any other improvements?”

Pugazhendhi said, “Some people are trying to trace him”

Prabhu said, “What happened to Mr.Ramesh?”

Pugazhendhi said,”Ramesh got injured by the monkey robot and he is in serious condition”

Prabhu said, “What? Monkey robot?”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes a small monkey robot”

Prabhu said,” an advanced technology”
Pugazhendhi said,”Yes man he is definitely a rich guy”

Prabhu said, “Who could have designed such kind of robot in India?”
Pugazhendhi said, “No idea man”

Prabhu said,” definitely a first class scientist only could have done it”

Pugazhendhi said,”Yes, Hmmm… First class scientist”

Prabhu said, “The case is getting bigger man”
Pugazhendhi said,”Yes I think so”

Prabhu said, “Do you need any help?”

Pugazhendhi said,”Ok, I am going for a local inquiry today, will you join me?”

Prabhu said,”Oh, sure”

Pugazhendhi said,”Ok come to my apartment by 11 O clock, we will go from here”

Prabhu said, “Sure man, Thank you, bye”
Pugazhendhi said, “Bye”

(To Be Continued)
