Business Thieves is a suspense thriller. A Police team receives a challenging case in which they have to search for an unknown culprit. Their search and findings are the content of Business Thieves.


Chapter III: The Discussion
Place: Adyar Police Station
Date: April 27, 2012

The Time was afternoon 3.30 p.m. Pugazhendhi was sitting in his cabin.

Mr.Rangaswamy entered the cabin of Pugazhendhi.
Pugazhendhi greeted him, “Good Afternoon sir”

Rangaswamy said, “Good Afternoon sir”
Pugazhendhi asked, “Please take your seat”

Rangaswamy sat in the chair opposite to Pugazhendhi.

Pugazhendhi asked, “Do you suspect anybody in this case?”

Rangaswamy said, “No sir because I don’t have enemies”

Pugazhendhi said, “Maybe you don’t know about your enemies?”

Rangaswamy stumbled and said, “Yes…Maybe I don’t know”

Pugazhendhi said, “What could be the purpose, sir?”

Rangaswamy said, “I cannot do business for another 10 to 15 days”

Pugazhendhi said, “Yes, they have hit your Business”

Rangaswamy said, “Yes Of course”

Pugazhendhi said, “But how is it possible in case of locked doors?”

Rangaswamy said, “That is what I am wondering?”

Pugazhendhi asked, “Is there a possibility for Key duplication?”

Rangaswamy said, “Genius you are”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes, that could be the only way”

Rangaswamy said, “But I never left my keys anywhere in a careless way”

Pugazhendhi said, “They could have accessed it without your knowledge”

Rangaswamy said,”Ok I will try to remember if there was such an event”

Pugazhendhi said, “One more thing I could notice”

Rangaswamy asked, “What is it?”

Pugazhendhi said, “There is a huge volume of food materials scattered inside the room”

Rangaswamy said, “Yes”

Pugazhendhi said,” But we can’t find any footprints going out of the room”

Rangaswamy said, “Brilliant you are”

Pugazhendhi said, “The person could not have left without his foot stained of food items“

Rangaswamy said, “Yes sir”

Pugazhendhi said, “But he could have washed his foot inside the room before leaving”

Rangaswamy said, “Great Judgment”
Pugazhendhi said, “Thank you, sir”

Rangaswamy said, “I got trust upon you, sir”

Pugazhendhi said, “Don’t worry sir, I will not leave this guy”

Rangaswamy said, “Yes sir, please catch him”

Pugazhendhi said, “You please meet the writer and register the complaint”

Rangaswamy said,”Ok sir” and he left the room.

Chapter IV: The Private Detective
Place: Pugazhendhi’s apartment
Date: April 27, 2012

Pugazhendhi went home by evening 7 O clock.
He was 32 years old and still a bachelor.

He took a Bath and came to his bedroom.
At that time, he got a phone call.

Pugazhendhi answered the call, “Hello”

The Other end said, “Hello Pugazhendhi, this is Prabhu”

Pugazhendhi said, “Yes Prabhu how are you?”

Prabhu said, “I am fine”
Pugazhendhi asked, “Anything urgent?”

Prabhu said, “Mmm…just a casual call”

Pugazhendhi said, “There is a riddle, are you interested?”

Prabhu said, “Let me know”
Pugazhendhi said, “Are you free now?”

Prabhu said, “Yes”
Pugazhendhi said, “Where are you now?”

Prabhu said, “I am in Guindy”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok come to my apartment in Saidapet”

Prabhu said,”Ok I will be there by 8 O clock”
Pugazhendhi said,”Ok please come”

The call got disconnected.

Pugazhendhi dressed himself up and went to the hall of his apartment and waited there.

At 8 O clock, the door bell rang.
Pugahzhendhi opened the door, and Prabhu was standing there.

Pugazhendhi said, “Welcome my old friend”
Prabhu said, “How are you, man?”

Pugazhendhi said, “I am fine”
Prabhu said,”Ok, how are things going”

Pughazhendhi said, “First you come in and take your seat”
Prabhu took his seat in the Hall.

Pugazhendhi went to the Kitchen and prepared Coffee for both of them.

He served the Coffee to Prabhu.

Prabhu was a Private Detective, who operates in an independent way.

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They drank the coffee by smiling at each other.

After drinking the Coffee, Pugazhendhi explained the case of Mr.Rangaswamy to him.

Prabhu heard the case to the whole.
Prabhu asked, “How is it, possible man?”

Pugazhendhi said, “That is what I am trying to figure out”

Prabhu said, “We can understand that the person wanted to bring down Mr.Rangaswamy’s Business”

Pugazhendhi said, “Yes”
Prabhu said, “But there are no clues of how it has happened”

Pugazhendhi said, “The rice bags and oil bags got torn with a knife”

Prabhu said, “So, the culprit has used knife”
Pugazhendhi said, “Yes he has came armed”

Prabhu said, “Who could be a beneficiary if a Hotel owner stops his business for 10 or 15 days?”

Pugazhendhi said, “An equal competitor …say another Hotel owner”
Prabhu said, “Yes another Hotel owner”

Pugazhendhi said, “But there are many Hotels in Adyar”

Prabhu said, “Whom will we doubt if only one of them got hit?”

Pugazhendhi said, “Or is it a personal vengeance?”

Prabhu said, “This is definitely a challenging case man”

Pugazhendhi said, “Yes because the motive is not clear”

Prabhu said,”Ok, how about a dinner together”

Pugazhendhi said, “Sure, we will go out”
Prabhu said, “Okay”

Both of them went out and had their dinner.
Prabhu decided to go home after the dinner.

Prabhu said, “I will go home from here”
Pugazhendhi said,”Oh, Okay”

Prabhu said, “Let me think upon any idea to solve this case”

Pugazhendhi said, “Yes, try to figure out something”

Prabhu said, “Which hotel did you say?”
Pugazhendhi said, “Hotel Sindhu Bhavan”

Prabhu said,”Ok, I will see”
Pugazhendhi said,”Hey be careful, you are a private guy”

Prabhu said, “Yes I know my limits”
After the dinner, both of them departed.

(To Be Continued)
