Tag: Tragedy

Nov 19


Recently, while my friend was taking me to her home to meet her family during summer vacations, I encountered something very peculiar. Where, other societies had a lawn, her’s had a pond like swimming pool, devided by a thin trail. By looking at it, noone could have estimated it’s depth. While entering through the gates…


Let me tell you the untold story of young Miss Gini and then you will surpringly know, why kids are affraid of barbers. This story concerns a sweet little child who went to a local barber shop, to get her hair cut done. The barber’s shop had broken windows, half bent dusty door, faded sign…


“”I had never seen such beautiful eyes before. Rose, you stole my heart the first time we met”. Standing quietly in the library, I saw her for the first time when she sneezed like a horse and scared almost half of the people. Some even dropped their books. She smiled apologetically at everyone, turning red…