Tag: teen fiction


*Rachel’s Point of View* 16th July, 2018. “Malcolm!” I winced in pain as I continued hitting his arm, “Malcolm! OH No!” I almost scratched him with my nails. “Ow! What the heck! Why are you abusing me at 4am!” he was finally awake. “Malcolm! Baby!” I held him arm tighter. “Where?” he looked around the…


I didn’t know how to face my family. It had been awhile since I spoke to them. My relations with my mom weren’t the best, and I always chose to avoid her. But me and dad got along well. Luke had transferred the money right away and my brother was in ICU, I had no…


*Rachel’s Point of View* Obviously I did not get an advance. Obviously I couldn’t help my dad. This sucked. Everything around me was falling apart and it would be of great help if my ego would ease up with me, but that wasn’t the case. My ego was held high up, so high that I…


*Rachel’s Point of View* I woke up being cuddled next to Luke, his  warm body next to mine, giving me a million feelings as I recalled memories of last night. We had finally taken our relationship to the last level of giving each other ourselves completely. I always thought it was cringe of people to…


*Rachel’s Point of view* “Obsession?” Luke followed me around the passage. “I don’t know, but its anything but love,” I replied and started walking really fast. “Obsession?” He repeated. “Luke, go and get ready,” I replied, not turning back at him because I knew he was mad and I couldn’t stand him when he was…


*Rachel’s Point of View* Luke Simons. I don’t know why, but he scared the living hell out of me. He scared me to death. It was the way he spoke, the way he was around with people. It was scary. It scared me a lot because I have never been one of those people to…