Tag: Relation

Feb 26

Losing her

I remember the small cute stickers of different animals and smileys she had given me when we were in the seventh grade. I found them in my wallet a few minutes ago. My table was in a mess. It was overflowing with garbage. My room stinked like anything. I was clearing my wallet and getting…


It was still dawn when I stepped out of the cab and walked towards the entry gate of the Delhi airport. The early morning February air was pleasantly cold. I was travelling to Bengaluru to attend a college friend's wedding. It had been four years since we graduated from the same college. This wedding was…


Love stories,aha! since eras has always been cryptic,puts one into dicey situations where mind stops working and heart starts thumping .Since our childhood we have  been enraptured by the princess love stories such as cindrella's,snowwhite's and many more.It leads to building castles in the air but when realization dawns those castle crumbles.There's a huge difference…


Well it was in the final year of my MBA, when I actually felt what and how it means to be in love, romance in air, happier and chirpier world moving around you etc etc…For the very first time I met Shubham Gupta , we could not take our eyes off each other…yes we were…

Feb 10


I never meant to start a war. But that is where everything led to.   "I will always be there for you." He always convinced me. And I never got convinced. I eventually knew I would never be his and only his possession. I wanted to let it go. I was trapped. Trapped between my…


This Letter From Deepika's Dad Made Everyone Emotional at the Filmfares. Every person in the hall got emotional when Deepika Padukone went on stage to collect her Best Actress Trophy at the Filmfare Awards on January 15.  https://www.facebook.com/sonytelevision/videos/1036185103070919/ In her red dress, Padukon went on stage to collect award for her outstanding acting in Piku movie.…


‘Diane? Sweetheart? I forgive you.’ She parked her car next to a yellow bike in the parking lot of the hospital as the rain pelted down with full force outside. She heaved a sigh and reached for her umbrella while wiping a lone stray tear from her cheek. One more day. One more day of…


  “Where is the other earring?” I asked myself. The hands of the clock were ticking away like a bullet train. I had to reach my office soon. I was expecting the wrinkles on the forehead of the frowny face of the gatekeeper to torment me today. My drawer was killing me as usual. Filled…


Andrew started putting away his feelings and started looking at her as a friend. Both of them had a good time in the evenings hanging out and talking about their positives and inabilities.   It was a bright sunny day and Andrew was lying on his bed desperately thinking about how his first day of…


“Sweet are the uses of adversity”. This cliche forms the very functioning of our lives and makes it an example for others to adulate. Memories can never be oblivion, they linger on and on and get etched in our minds. We wish those moments to be retraced back, but time and tides wait for no…