Tag: One Line Story


“Time is more valuable than money”, mind said. “That’s why it hurts more when you realised that you gave it to the wrong person”,whispered a broken heart. ~ Himanshu Khokhar


His only wish is to be with his special one at 11:59 of 31st December and at00:01 of 1st January. So he can have a wonderful ending to this year and awesome start of next year. ~ Vishal Anand


I opened my mouth, almost said something… Almost….The rest of my life might have turned out differently if I had. But I didn’t. ~ Pooja Kumari


“Seeing him online she waves her hand, up in the air as if he really can see her and ignore at the same time as he always did.” ~ Garima Khera


Another day begins with fight, Abuses, slaps and curses, again Another day of my marriage . ~Praveen Gola