Tag: king


A king had three sons. As he was getting old, he wanted to hand over his throne to the most capable son among the three. One day he called the three princes for the purpose of testing their abilities and gave each of them a seed and said, “Sons! I want all three of you…


Edward’s nose twitched with pleasure as the aroma of freshly baked bread and the provocative spices emanating, the rattling sounds of chariots pulled by horses and the knights in shinning armor in the magical city of Kamrup. His young eyes couldn’t believe what he was witnessing.  Edward who was born and bought up in a…


Raja Vikram lived in a lovely land with lush hills. The king’s greed was as famous as his splendor and fortune. Raja Vikram always craved power and wealth. He desired more riches and gems in his treasure chamber. He taxed his people heavily, making life difficult. While the monarch lived well, the people fought to survive…


You all might have watched the Disney movie “The Little Mermaid” and known that the ending was a happy one. This story presents to you an alternate, a little heartbreaking ending which represents just what someone might do for the person they love. It’s been years since Ariel, daughter of the king of Atlantica, fell…