Category Archives: Women’s

Lovestruck frogs in the crocodile’s mouth

“Congrats Chandra! You have emerged as the class topper in last week’s test”, said Mrs. Vidhya, Chandra’s class teacher. “Keep up the good work and I am sure that you will secure outstanding marks in the 12th public exams too and make your family proud!”. Hearing this, Chandra cringed and muttered a ‘thanks’ to her…

Unwavering Love: A Mother’s Heart

In a quaint little town nestled amidst rolling hills, lived a remarkable woman named Elizabeth. Her heart overflowed with boundless love for her two children, Emily and Thomas. Elizabeth’s love was like a gentle breeze, always present, comforting and guiding them through life’s trials. From the moment they were born, Elizabeth dedicated herself to nurturing…

Rana Jabeen: A Journey of Resilience and Unstoppable Determination

In the vibrant city of Kanpur, on a crisp November day in 2002, a girl named Rana Jabeen was born. Her early years were not without challenges, as she faced adversity from various angles. Being a Muslim in a society that sometimes struggled with acceptance, even her own classmates attempted to betray her. Despite the…

Beauty With Brain

Once upon a time, in the picturesque town of Willowbrook, there lived a young woman named Amelia. She was known throughout the town for her captivating beauty, but it was her brilliant mind that truly set her apart. Amelia possessed a rare combination of elegance and intelligence that fascinated everyone who crossed her path. Amelia…