Category Archives: Relationship

Collection of Best Relationship Stories

Love’s Serendipity

In a bustling café, amidst the aroma of recently brewed coffee, Emma set up herself enthralled in a novel. Lost in the words, she accidentally revealed her drink. Embarrassed, she looked up to find a kind outsider named Ethan rushing to her aid. Their eyes locked, and time sounded to stand still. They laughed, switching…

Love’s Redemption 

There was a boy named Royce and a girl named Rihanna, who were unknown to each other but they were of the same age. The schooling was finished and everybody was in the chaos of choosing the college and which field to choose for their career. Royce and Rihanna happened to choose the same Pre…

The Enchanted Lighthouse

Once upon a time, in a small coastal village, there stood a lighthouse known as the Enchanted Lighthouse. The villagers believed it held mystical powers and served as a guardian to their shores. Legends told of its ability to guide lost ships safely to harbor through stormy nights and treacherous waters. But what the villagers…