Category Archives: Life

a big fat desi wedding

The decorations were breathtakingly done. The work done by the decorators was impeccable. Everything was colour-coordinated and most of it was pink and white. Those are the favourite colours of the bride, after all! It was the typical Indian wedding, with teenagers having vanilla ice creams, kids running around and their parents trying to stop…


The mother-daughter duo named Lily- Giselle had an arduous relationship. Giselle thought of herself and her daughter very highly. Lily gave her best in each field but to Giselle, it was never enough. She kept expecting her to outperform in every aspect which led to fear of disappointment for Lily. Lily could not sustain herself…


When you was 15;     You only struggle with mathematics.  When you are 16-17;     You only struggle with arts or science. When you are 18-20; You will struggle with your adult hood. When you are 20-30; You will start to struggle with yourself. Struggle to find your self . Struggle with  your uncertain future.…

“Rising Above Grief: The Inspiring Journey of a Strong Mother”

Once upon a time, in a quiet suburban neighborhood, lived a remarkable woman named Sarah”Rising Above Grief: The Inspiring Journey of a Strong Mother”. She was a loving wife and a devoted mother to two beautiful children, Alex and Emily. Life had always been filled with joy and laughter for their family, until an unexpected…