Category Archives: Fiction

Collection of Best Fiction Short Stories

The Paradox of Time Travel: A Quantum Conundrum

Within the year 2207, Soil had made colossal strides in quantum innovation. Driven by interest, Dr. Elena Lawson, a brilliant physicist, had committed her life to opening the insider facts of quantum mechanics. One critical day, she made a groundbreaking discovery—a strategy to control quantum trap for time travel. Fervor and fear filled Dr. Lawson…


दिल्ली शहर, जून का महीना , दिन के 12:30 बज रहे हैं , सूरज मानो धरती को गोद में लेकर बैठा हो, गाड़ियों से भड़कता सा धुंआ निकल रहा है , हर तरफ़ से केवल उमस और गर्मी ही हाथ फैलाए खड़ी है। ऐसे माहौल में जब सड़कों पर गिने – चुने लोग दिख रहे…

The Ghost of Willowbrook 

In the quaint town of Willowbrook, nestled amidst towering oak trees and rolling hills, there lived a ghost named Jasper. He was a gentle spirit with a heart as pure as moonlight. Unfortunately, his ethereal appearance frightened the townsfolk, and they believed he was an evil entity that would bring them harm. Jasper had once…

 “The Cursed Painting”

In a small and picturesque town, surrounded by rolling hills, stood an ancient and rundown mansion. The locals shared tales of its ominous history, particularly focusing on a painting that held a reputation for causing misfortune. It possessed an uncanny ability to captivate anyone who dared to gaze upon it. One stormy night, a young…