Author: Shubhangi

Being a Piscean, I have an artistic streak in me and want to tell people the stories that I have.

Two best friends make a pact but what happens when one of them is determine to ruin another one’s every relationship?   “You don’t even remember the color of your shirt that you wore yesterday and you expect me remember what I said a week ago?” Samantha was arranging her bookshelf. Troy jumped on the…


Not every time a boy falls for girl. Sometimes, life brings them together for a different purpose.   She wiped her tears. Taking one bottle of champagne in one hand, she dragged the box out of her apartment half-drunk. Pressing the top floor button in elevator, she smiled through tears looking at the reflection. Tossing…


He came across her secret. Is he going to be with her or leave her?   “I am so sorry to cancel again. Maybe next time…” she said on the other side of the phone. He hung up the call with a long face. She had cancelled their date fifth time. He had been wondering…


Do you know what the person you like thinks about you?   Samantha Dear diary, Today I saw him passing by way. I didn’t know what to do. I have been greeting him with smile but it felt awkward now. So, I looked the other way. Besides, he is the star footballer of the team.…


You have no control over whom you fall for…   We have Austin. If you want to see him alive, drop 500 million in the post box near the church. Consider this as proof. Alex read the letter and darted her gaze up to see another guy standing in the black hoodie for approval. He…


Two imperfect individuals make a perfect relationship.   Toby served the coffee to the old woman with a smile. She paid him and went away. Even though people never acknowledged his smile, he still greeted every new customer with smile. He loved coming to work just to see her sitting in corner drinking coffee, engrossed…


We all want to be free but there are some people whom our society want to chain…   Vani sat in the chair still having her eyes glued at her. There was something about her that made her stomach feel sick. Maybe it was butterflies. She had to pull away her eyes when she saw…

Jan 8


We meet people for a reason. They either destroy us or build us…   She stumbled but he caught her. He was caught in moment when he saw her smile. He said having a small smile, “You are really drunk” She laughed, “No, I don’t know why people are thinking that but who are you”…


Kaira has been a book-lover since childhood and this time a book really changed her life when a cute note kept by her was found by someone…   Dear Stranger, Remember to smile He found the note kept in the book. A faint smile appeared on his face. He had recently issued the book from…

Dec 31


They say that every scar has a story behind it but what if those scars are the memories of someone.   “I am proud of my scars” She smilingly traced her fingers over her wounds. She continued, “They tell me who I was and who I have become and a constant reminder of mistakes of…