Author: Manvi Pathak

I'm Manvi Pathak. I pour out words from my heart on the paper. My emotions are my ink.. I may not be perfect, but I definitely know how to make people smile. I try to connect with people through little thoughts. These small ideas strike chord with the young readers who have their mind racing like a jet. I'm not a magician, but my stories can make you think. They can bring you back your lost thoughts and sometimes they can stir your souls to bring out the reader in you. People say, poems are lyrics of what we experience. I try to sew the threads of my life in the cloth of poetry. For me, love and positivism is the ultimate truth. I don't find anything more blissful and attractive than friendship. What I wanna do is, not change the world. But change myself. I want my write ups to speak for the world. To make it a better place for living. I'm a storyteller, I write for me. I cannot write until the words straight from my heart don't leave an impact on yours. My stories won't leave a footprint on your hearts but they definitely will make your souls smile.

Love, they say is the sweetest thing that can ever happen to someone. But in this cold world, where emotions have turned raw, ugly and brutal; expecting the other person to devotedly be yours for a time span of forever is merely a way to make one feel tormented. Relationships before marriages, love before getting…