Author: Patel Chintankumar Vinodbhai

I'm an Amatuer Writer and currently pursuing my Bachelor's degree in Mechanical Engineering. During a bad phase in past, I listned the Ghazal ‛Awargi’ by ‛Gulam Ali Khan’ and then I experimented myself with words and I felt the warmth in my own writing and from that day till this moment, Pen and Paper are my best friends. I observe everything around, from eyebrows to the expressions. And I believe my stories live around me in my surrounding.

            1. What do you do in your free time, Rishi?’ I asked to Rishi, the Rockstar from our college band. ‘I hold mosquitoes and flies..’ Rishi began in his alcoholic voice when my blown air exhaust cut him off, (i mean our so called “social networking laugh”, which has a minor life  with a…