Author: Anindita Shome

A literature enthusiast, who attempts to concoct good stories. Chocolates, Coffee and Comic Books are few of my other interests. My idea of a perfect day is curling up with my pet and making him read my stories. I always endeavor to read more and write better.

 This is a story about those bonds that start and end way before its time.   Her hands held more than they could hold. She struggled with the shopping bags and made her way out of the market place. The late December breeze caressed her untied hair. As she looked up from her preoccupations, to…


This is a story of twelve-year-old old Ryan, who has a Christmas to remember.   The quaint, little bookshop was exuding the festive warmth. The smell of coffee and plum cakes wafted through the evening air. There were tea-lights kept at every shelf. The place was beautifully lit-up. Ryan pushed open the glass door of…


It is a story about a little boy, who loved going to school, but life had other plans for him. The nameless protagonist of the story could be any of those countless, unprivileged, young children of the world.   He woke up early, took a bath, and put on fresh clothes. He grabbed his school…


A short story about a woman, married at Seventeen, and her course of life.   The marbles in her hand scattered on the dusty ground as her mother screamed at her to get inside the house. She, unwillingly yet hastily, dusted her knee-length dress and ran inside. She was welcomed by the regular rant of…